How to Create a Popup ALV in SAP ABAP?

The screenshot displays a table with sample data, filters, and interactive options, illustrating the concept of a Popup ALV. The background is a typical SAP GUI interface with standard toolbars and menus visible.

Emre Göçmen

How to Create a Popup ALV in SAP ABAP


Creating a Popup ALV (ABAP List Viewer) in SAP ABAP allows users to view data lists interactively. In this blog post, we will go through the steps to create a Popup ALV and examine the necessary code snippets.

What is Popup ALV?

Popup ALV is a SAP application component that displays a data list in a window. Users can perform interactive operations such as sorting and filtering data in this window. Popup ALV enables users to perform detailed data analyses without leaving the main screen.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Popup ALV

1. Define the Data Table

The first step is to create an internal table that defines the data to be displayed in the Popup ALV. This table determines the structure of the data shown in the ALV.

DATA: lt_data TYPE TABLE OF zmy_table. "Define the type of your data table

2. Define ALV Grid Container and Field Catalog

The ALV Grid container and field catalog determine how the ALV will look.

DATA: lo_alv_grid   TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
      lt_fieldcat   TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
      ls_fieldcat   TYPE lvc_s_fcat.

3. Prepare the Field Catalog

The field catalog defines the properties of each column to be displayed in the ALV.

CLEAR ls_fieldcat.
ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FIELD1'. "Table field name
ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Field 1'. "Field header
APPEND ls_fieldcat TO lt_fieldcat.

CLEAR ls_fieldcat.
ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FIELD2'.
ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Field 2'.
APPEND ls_fieldcat TO lt_fieldcat.

"Add other fields similarly

4. Create the ALV Grid Object

Create the ALV Grid object within the popup window.

DATA: lo_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
      lv_container_name TYPE scrfname VALUE 'POPUP_CONTAINER'.

CALL METHOD cl_gui_custom_container=>new
    container_name = lv_container_name
    container      = lo_container.

CALL METHOD cl_gui_alv_grid=>new
    i_parent      = lo_container
    r_alv_grid    = lo_alv_grid.

5. Initialize the ALV Grid and Display Data

Initialize the ALV Grid and display the data.

CALL METHOD lo_alv_grid->set_table_for_first_display
    i_structure_name = 'ZMY_TABLE' "Your data structure name
    it_outtab        = lt_data
    it_fieldcatalog  = lt_fieldcat.

6. Create the Popup Window

Finally, create and launch the Popup window.

DATA: lv_popup TYPE REF TO cl_gui_dialogbox_container.

CALL METHOD cl_gui_dialogbox_container=>new
    width      = 100
    height     = 20
    title      = 'Popup ALV'
    dialogbox  = lv_popup.

CALL METHOD lv_popup->set_container
    parent     = lo_container.


Creating a Popup ALV in SAP ABAP is a powerful feature that significantly enhances user experience. In this blog post, we have explored the process of creating a Popup ALV step-by-step and shared the necessary code snippets. With this information, you can create effective Popup ALVs in your own SAP applications.